Thursday, June 10, 2010

More IM on becoming a Dumb Jock

Once again, this is an IM that has given me inspiration concerning my dream to become a jock.  Spelling is corrected mostly because I hate having a spell checker tell me it's wrong.

This IM took place on Monday, May 31, 2010 [Memorial Day].  Warning: this is long.

T2:  Hey dude, I got some more info on what was done to Jason. 
T2:  It is so simple I can't figure out how to do it.
Ox:  Hi, dude.
T2:  I got some more info on Jason's reprogramming.
Ox:  Tell, tell ... *lust* *lust*
T2:  The concept is so simple.
Ox:  The concept is simple but the execution is hard?
T2:  He is not dumb at all.
Ox:  It's an act?
T2:  No, it's not an act.  He has a small list of things that require his immediate attention -- all the time.
T2:  To all intents and purposes he is dumb as cum.
Ox:  He can only focus on certain things?
T2:  Because he now has only simple needs.
T2:  You know, something like eat, sex, drink.  Each one is set at a high level of priority.
T2:  So he is trapped servicing these simple needs all the time.
Ox:  And all other needs are excluded from needs?
T2:  Yes.
Ox:  Fuck, that's brilliant!
T2:  It's training and hypnosis and brainwashing.
T2:  He can't read because it takes away from his needs.
T2:  Driving is almost too much multitasking for him to handle.
T2:  It's sort of like a PC running at 99 % of capacity.
T2:  So he can't hold both driving and the destination in his mind at the same time.
T2:  It is so kewl!
T2:  And he's in a blissful state.
T2:  It is brilliant and all his mind is used up.
Ox:  Let's see ... the list includes eating, sleeping, working out, buying groceries, and maybe paying bills.
T2:  No, he is now a mooch.
Ox:  Totally focused on what matters to him and no extra brainpower to use on other things.
T2:  Yes.
T2:  No apartment; he just doesn't worry about it.
T2:  Wow.
Ox:  Damn, that's so fucking simple.
Ox:  Wow!
Ox:  I'm impressed!
T2:  So am I and he seems so happy.
T2:  So happy.
T2:  So stupid and dull and focused and happy.
Ox:  Of course he is.  There's no extra brainpower to devote to worrying.
T2:  Yep.
Ox:  I want it.
T2:  Me too.
T2:  It also means in emergencies he can be smart.
Ox:  Ahhh?  Great!
T2:  And then automatically become dumb again.
Ox:  In an emergency he can devote everything to the emergency? 
Ox:  Like a Mom who lifts a car off her kid, but she couldn't do that normally?
T2:  Yep.
Ox:  Just in the emergency?
T2:  Yep.
Ox:  So, there has to be some sort of monitor in his head saying an emergency exists?
T2:  No, it's built into the hardware.
T2:  That is the beauty of it.
T2:  Emergencies make you drop everything.
Ox:  So I guess you are smart till the emergency is over ...
Ox:  ... and then you are dumb again?
T2:  Yep.
T2:  Jason is a bit too much of a party boi for my taste.
T2:  But, hey, I'll take it.
T2:  Then you go meet your need and go party or whatever.
Ox:  Now the big question:  who did it?
T2:  A farmer type ...
Ox:  ... and I detest gardening....
T2:  ... with a Ph.D in brain chemistry.
T2:  Vermont is strange.
Ox:  Did he use any of his brain chemistry knowledge to help cause the change?
T2:  I have no way of knowing since I have not talked to him.
T2:  I am afraid that if this was offered to me I'd take it.
Ox:  So would I and I''m not afraid.
T2:  Right....
T2:  You'd become one of the dumb asses who picked on you in school.
Ox:  Yes !!!  When can we start?
T2:  I have no idea.
Ox:  How can we start?
T2:  I need to find out the particulars.
Ox:  Sounds like some simple hypnosis programming.
T2:  It helped that Jason was on the verge of a nervous breakdown ... I think.
Ox:  I can sympathize.  I went through the same thing when i was taking care of Mom 24/7 ...
Ox:  ... before she was admitted to a personal care home with Alzheimers' 
Ox:  I became a mental and physical wreck taking care of her 24/7 for a few years ... with no time off.
T2:  Jason essentially agreed to become this guy's slave for two years.
Ox:  Hmmm ... slavery is good for something after all.  :-D
T2:  Jason went in a brilliant money manager and came out a painfully slow stupid snowboarder boi.
T2:  It's so kewl!
T2:  He was at the end of his rope.  It is a way of committing suicide without killing yourself.
Ox:  It can't be painful.
T2:  It sure could be.
Ox:  There's not enough brain cells left for him to process pain.
 T2:  No, but it's painful to the rest of us.
T2:  You must have met someone so stupid or self absorbed that people around him visibly lost IQ points ...
Ox:  The fact that he lost them is all that counts.
T2:  He is happy ...
T2:  ... or at least think he is.
Ox:  As I said, that's all that counts.
T2:  He will never accomplish anything ...
T2:  ... never own anything ....
Ox:  In this case, perception = reality.
T2:  He can't think.
Ox:  Since he can't think, he's happy and content.
T2:  No time left for anything except party, mooch, muscles, and so on.
Ox:  And sex.
T2:  Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, dude.
Ox:  Damn, this is making me horny.  Correction:  Damn, I'm horny.
T2:  Geesh, I talked to him last night and I started to talk like him, dude.
T2:  He is contagious.
Ox:  Being around him dumbed you down?
T2:  Well, sort of.
T2:  It is so nice to find someone who is happy.
Ox:  Yeah.  My ambition in life is to be dumb and happy.
Ox:  Does he smoke?
T2:  Geesh, you and your smoking fetish.
T2:  Would you mind if you ended up stupid and not smoking?
Ox:  Well, smoking Marlboros is my only really bad habit and I worked hard to get addicted.
Ox:  I'd rather be stupid and smoking.
T2:  You need a cigar fetish.
Ox:  Cigars are too expensive ... at least the good ones ...
T2:  Then I could not stand to be around you.
Ox:  ... even at internet discount sites.   [ for example: ]
Ox:  one bundle of cigars [normally 20] = one carton of cigarettes [200 total]  [about $ 50.00 each]
T2:  I am a little worried that the Ph.D farmer took pity on him and did this all on the fly ...
T2:  ... and it can't be easily reproduced.
Ox:  Why not?
T2:  You know chefs; some of them just toss things together ...
T2:  ... and they sometimes come out with a dish that they can't reproduce even though they want to.
T2:  It may have been for Jason's own good.
Ox:  Damn, I want this so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T2:  You'd love Jason and be totally frustrated by him.
Ox:  Why?
T2:  He can't keep appointments.
Ox:  I'm normally late for my appointments, anyway.
T2:  I don';t think he's capable of reading.
Ox:  Well, I won't be either when this happens to me.
T2:  He literally gets a headache trying to read.
Ox:  Is he a top or a bottom?
T2:  An aggressive top, I believe.
Ox:  Wonderful!  I'm a bottom!
T2:  So am I.
Ox:  *sigh*  So is everybody else I know.
T2:  Everybody wants to be owned, controlled, and be dumb.
T2:  Jason isn't.
Ox:  He wants to own, control, and is dumb?
T2:  No, he just wants what he wants when he wants it and can't be bothered to be controlled.
Ox:  Let me think ... there has to be a way to reproduce this.
T2:  Geesh, dude ... he was a top level money manager.  Think about it.
T2:  He was dominate.
T2:  Competitive.
T2:  You can't change that basic drive, just redirect it.
Ox:  Yeah.  I never wanted to be amid-level (if that) person in the work force.
Ox:  I hate paperwork and especially detest filling out forms.
T2:  I just don't want to be in charge ...
Ox:  Likewise.
Ox:  I want a job where I don't have to fill out paperwork.
T2:  ... unless I get to run the whole thing and can order people to do all the paperwork.
Ox:  Sorry to break the bad news, but you still have to read all the paperwork everyone else fills out ...
Ox:  ... and approve all of it.
T2:  NO, I'd hire someone else to do that.
T2:  And go play golf (ugh)!
Ox:  Golf?  My Dad liked it; I didn't.
Ox:  My opinion of golf mirrors the title of one golf book:  A good walk spoiled.
T2:  Yep.  Me too.
T2:  I have no idea how to reproduce this.
T2:  Well, I have some ideas, but no idea of how to carry them out.
Ox:  Hypnosis to center attention on a few things and make all the rest unimportant?
Ox:  We need to come up with what needs to be included in the list of priorities.
Ox:  My list includes -- so far:
Ox:  Eat.
Ox:  Sleep.
Ox:  Work out.
Ox:  Smoke.
Ox:  Party.
Ox:  All the rest unimportant but the list becomes total obsession
T2:  I think someone else has to at least do the finishing touches.
T2:  Ah, you realize you'd be smoking much more if that is one of your interests.
Ox:  And what's wrong with that?
T2:  Nothing.
Ox:  I thought not.
T2:  I can do the smoking obsession thing as well; I have it.
Ox:  Good.
Ox:  I need to start watching that smoking file again to reinforce my habit some more.
T2:  Dude, this is not an obsession Jason has.  It appears to be much simpler than that.
T2:  More like:  I am hungry; I need to eat.
Ox:  His interests have been narrowed to a simple few?
T2:  Yes.
T2:  And made so that is all he has time for.
T2:  He is a party boi.
Ox:  His interests have narrowed to ....
T2:  And nothing more.  Nothing else.
Ox:  All other interests are secondary.
T2:  No, no!
T2:  They do not exist.
Ox:  Only what contributes to these interests is of interest to him.
T2:  No secondary interests.
T2:  Just a few high level priority ones.
T2:  Except for the emergency stipulation ... and that happens in hardware.
Ox:  That's wired in?
T2:  Yes.
Ox:  [light dawning]  So no provision has to be made for it!
T2:  Right!
Ox:  That makes it even easier.
T2:  You can suppress that reaction by training ...
T2:  ... but who needs to make this more complicated?
T2:  It is so simple!
Ox:  True.
Ox:  We should be able to figure this out.
Ox:  All you have are a few things that mean the world to you ...
Ox:  ... and you can't even think of anything else.
Ox:  Wonderful!  Simplicity itself!
T2:  How do y9ou avoid making a non-social robot?
T2:  I mean, if you are dumb, it would be nice if you could have friends.
Ox:  Include talking to others about interests in the priorities.
Ox:  Make sports an interest?
T2:  No, no, no.  Not sports.  That is too general and you can think too much.
T2:  Jason has no finances. 
T2:  He is a mooch.
T2:  He can barely go to work and stack boxes.
Ox:  After my grandmother had a stroke, my parents had the court declare her incompetent. 
Ox:  The court appointed them guardians.  They took over her finances so she wouldn't lose anything.
Ox:  Have Jason declared incompetent ...
Ox:  ...  and others could run his finances.
T2:  Kewl.
T2:  Jason is homeless.
Ox:  He has no place to live?
T2:  No.
Ox:  Homeless.
Ox:  How about a shelter?
T2:  But his sister lives nearby and everyone loves him ...
T2:  ... so he doesn't sleep in the street unless it is too much effort to go there.
Ox:  Does he care?
T2:  No.
T2:  Shelter has zero percent priority in his mind.
Ox:  Okay.
T2:  Shelter gets in the way of [snow/skate] boarding, ...
T2:  Being muscled, ...
T2:  Eat, sleep train, ...
T2:  Getting mindless sex ...
Ox:  Anything else?
T2:  Partying.
Ox:  Eat, sleep, train, sex, party.
Ox:  Smoking?
T2:  No.  I suppose I could probably convince him it would keep him from being fat.
Ox:  It does suppress appetite.
Ox:  Try it.
T2:  Don't worry about where you will sleep ...
T2:  ... until you need to sleep.
T2:  Don't worry about food until you are hungry.
T2:  Get it?  It's so simple....
T2:  Nothing else ....
Ox:  I need to take medication so that is a necessity.
Ox:  Maybe that could be a minor secondary thing ... or included in training.
T2:  No future.
T2:  No planning.
T2:  No money.
T2:  No worries.
Ox:  No cares, no worries.
T2:  Yep.
Ox:  Too dumb to worry.
T2:  Jason literally cannot worry; everything is in use, nothing is left to use to worry.
T2:  It's so simple.
Ox:  Yeah....   
T2:  The problem is: how do you box yourself in like that?
T2:  It's not normal; it's an artificial construct.
T2:  I don't think you can complete this noose yourself.
T2:  I think the last brick has to be put in place by someone else.
T2:  But it's just a gut feeling.
Ox:  Damn, we should be able to figure out a hypnosis program for this.
Ox:  Make a hypnosis tape of all permitted subjects you can think about.
Ox:  Make everything else off limits.
T2:  You are not getting ti.
T2:  Nothing is off limits.
Ox:  Explain.
T2:  Just this:  These priorities are all you have.  Nothing else.
T2:  Choose the following nine [or whatever number] interests.  That's it.  That's all.
Ox:  Okay, your only interests are:
Ox:  a, b, c, d, ..., i.
T2:  You got it.
T2:  You are kept so busy by these vital things that, for example, when you try to read ...
T2:   ... it sorta comes in slowly.
T2:  He can rad big words; he is just reading them one character at a time real slowly.
Ox:  Ahhhh ....
T2:  So you are stupid.
T2:  You know ... slow.
Ox:  Yeah.
T2:  Not because you are retarded but because you are all used up.
Ox:  Interesting way to do it.
T2:  Yes, brilliant.
Ox:  Truly brilliant!
T2:  And, as far as I can see, permanent.
Ox:  Irreversible?
T2:  And when you get the emergency response system kicking, guess what?
T2:  You are smart again.
Ox:  It kicks in, and when the emergency is over, it stops, and you're dumb again.
T2:  Well, if you went to jail and could not do you  interests, it might break down.
Ox:  Even in jail, you can eat, sleep, and lift weights.
Ox:  And food and shelter is supplied.
Ox:  And sex is there.
Ox:  So even in jail you'd be dumb.
T2:  Jason is a boarder; that is not supplied.  Snowboards, skateboards,....
Ox:  Oh, right....
T2:  Jason has one big problem:  he is not limited by the legality of something.
T2:  He does not notice that he is doing something illegal till the next day.
Ox:  He is so dumb ... how is he going to commit a crime?
Ox:  Run a red light?
Ox:  Forget to pay for food?
T2:  Oh, yeah.  Restaurants are too complicated for him.
T2:  Dude, he is a mooch.
Ox:  Even Mickey D's is too complicated?
T2:  Yes.
T2:  It is so amazing.
T2:  And, dude, it is not an act.
Ox:  I can deal with this.
Ox:  Damn, I want this!
Ox:  ... so bad!
T2:  No one could do this for an entire day and not slip up.
Ox:  We gotta figure out how to do this!
T2:  Yes.
T2:  It must work like compulsive disorders.
Ox:  Something like NLP [NeuroLinguistic Processing] but in reverse ...
Ox:  ... NLP is used to eliminate bad habits; this would induce them.
Ox:  You say you think it has to be put in place and/or activated by someone else?
T2:  Someone has to hammer the final nail and seal the window up.
T2:  I can't see how you could close that last window yourself.
Ox:  Yes ... like trying to tie yourself up.
T2:  I don';t even think Jason can tell me what was done.
T2:  He can tell em what it feels like.
T2:  He says when he tries to think it is like a fly buzzing and he has to swat it ...
T2: ... and he loses the thought.
Ox:  Damn, the more I hear of this the more I like it.
Ox:  Can Jason tell you who did it?
T2:  Yes.
T2:  Well ... sort of.
Ox:  Will he tell you?
T2:  Well he worked for this farmer and ended up this way.
Ox:  Damn, want to find out this farmer's name?
T2:  I know who it is.
Ox:  Who is it ... and will he do it to us?
T2:  I just have to figure out how to ask him.
Ox:  How about, "I knew Jason before he changed.  I want to be like he is now.  Can you help me?"
Ox:  "And I also have a good friend who wants the same thing.  Could you help him too, please?
[This is only a partial typescript of the IM.  There is much more to come....]

Ox:  How did you find all this out?


  1. Hi.

    Is your blog about real events? I'm really interested in becoming a dumb jock too, turns me on like hell. Help me, will you?


  2. I'm honestly curious if you did it or not.

    Somehow, though, I get the feeling that you might be too dumb to reply by now...

